This Xylochemistry site grew out of the program funded by the University of Alabama, RG14648 “Technology for a Sustainable Chemical Economy” - StanCE. The international StanCE Consortium seeks to foster research directed toward developing a sustainable chemical infrastructure and economy based on the utilization of wood and related biomass as a feedstock.
STaNCE Consortium members seek not only to develop better chemistry for a sustainable future, but also to foster scientific and cultural exchanges between center participants. Between 2013 and 2019 a total of 22 personnel exchanges have taken place between member laboratories in the U.S., Germany, and Japan. Though all academic levels have been represented in these exchanges, the vast majority (15) have taken place with young scientists (undergraduate, graduate, and post-doctoral).
In 2023 the ReWOOD Center was established and launched at the Georgia Institute of Technology. ReWOOD continues and greatly expands the earlier efforts under STANCE. ReWOOD operates in close collaboration with Georgia Tech's Renewable Bioproducts Institute, the School of Chemistry & Biochemistry, theSchool of Chemical & Biochemical Engineering, the School of Industrial & Systems Engineering, and the School of Public Policy.
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