Better Chemistry for a Sustainable Future.


Facilitators, Administration, and Partners:

Anthony J. Arduengo, III, Ph.D. [Founder, US facilitator]
Professor of the Practice

School of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Georgia Institute of Technology
2100N Molecular Science and Engineering Bldg.
Focus: Catalysis, Synthesis, Unusual Valency,
Process Development, Technology Transfer
Till Opatz, Ph.D. [Founder, European facilitator]
Institute for Organic Chemistry

Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz
Duesbergweg 10-14,
55128 Mainz, Germany
Focus: Synthesis, Organic Chemistry

Andreas Bommarius [Program Coordinator]

School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology
5018  Engineered Biosystems Building
Focus: Biocataylsis, Pharmaceuticals, Technology Transfer

Technology Center Partners and Research Drivers

Aaron Aponick, Ph.D.
Department of Chemistry
University of Florida
JHH 403 & FLI 264

Focus: Synthetic Methodology, Catalyst Design,
Process Development
Jason E. Bara, Ph.D.
Chemical and Biological Engineering
University of Alabama
3072E South Engineering Research Center

Focus: Advanced Polymers and Materials, Ionic Liquids, CO2 Capture Processes
Dr. Charles B. de Koning
Professor of Chemistry
Molecular Sciences Institute, School of Chemistry
University of Witwatersrand
Johannesburg, South Africa
Focus: Synthesis, Heterocycles

Stefan France, Ph.D.
Professor of Chemistry
School of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Georgia Institute of Technology
2100K Molecular Science and Engineering Bldg.
Focus: Catalysis, Synthesis, Pharmaceuticals
Dr. Willi Kantlehner
Professor of Chemistry
Department of Chemistry
Hochschule Aalen
Aalen, Germany
Focus: Wood Chemistry, Synthesis
Pamela Peralta-Yahya, Ph.D.
Professor of Chemistry
School of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Georgia Institute of Technology
2100P Molecular Science and Engineering Bldg.
Focus: Biocatalysis, Synthesis, Drug Discovery

Dr. Sven Rau
Professor of Chemistry
Institute for Inorganic Chemistry
The University of Ulm
Ulm, Germany

Focus: Light driven catalysis
Timothy Snowden, Ph.D.
Professor of Chemistry
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

University of Alabama
2046 Shelby Hall
Focus: Synthetic Methods, Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Constantine A. Stewart, Ph.D.
Retired, Sandia National Laboratories
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Focus: Chemical Hazard Reduction Management, Compliance
Dr. Valerie Thomas
Professor School of Industrial and Systems Engineering, and School of Public Policy
Georgia Institute of Technology
415 Groseclose
Focus: Industrial ecology, Technology assessment