Better Chemistry for a Sustainable Future.



StanCE Consortium members are not only developing better chemistry for a sustainable future, but also encouraging scientific and cultural exchanges between center participants.  The exchange of scholars among the participating groups also facilitates technology transfer between connected laboratories, but allows next generation scientists to understand the cultural contexts of sustainable technologies and economies on a global basis. Between 2013 and the present a total of 22 personnel exchanges have taken place between member laboratories in the U.S., Germany, and Japan.  Though all academic levels have been represented in these exchanges, the vast majority (15) have taken place with young scientists (undergraduate, graduate, and post-doctoral).  The scholars' blogs in the following articles describe the broader impacts of sustainable technology development and the individual growth, scientifically and personally, among consortium trainees.

 Consortium participants are appreciative of supplemental support that has enabled these scholar exchanges.  The agencies, foundations, and institutes contributing to the scholar exchanges include:

The University of Alabama, College of Arts and Sciences

The University of Alabama, Office of Sponsored Research

The University of Alabama, Office of the Provost

The University of Alabama, Department of Chemistry

The University of Alabama, Biology Department

The University of Mainz, Institute for Organic Chemistry

The University of Mainz, PROMOS-Programm

The Technical University of Braunschweig, Institute for Inorganic Chemistry

The Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD)

The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

The Verband der Chemischen Industrie

 University of Alabama undergraduate student exchanges to German universities.

In connection with STANCE research projects, the University of Alabama offers a special exchange program for UA undergraduates in the Spring Semester each year.  Under the normal conditions of this exchange program, participating students may spend a Semester studying abroad and conducting research in overseas laboratories without losing time to the traditional graduate date.  The enrolled students are accompanied to Germany, by a UA faculty (Professor Arduengo) who holds instruction for UA-curriculum courses in chemistry and German language instruction.  Students enroll in their regular courses at UA, but in special sections (800) designated for overseas instruction.  The courses offered typically include Chem 231, 232, 237, 338, 389, 498, and GN 103.  Additional course offerings are available depending on need.  UA students are also enrolled as students in the host institutions and enjoy the same status and privileges as German students during their stay at the host institution.

Instruction for UA students is conducted in English (except for GN103 which is joint German/English).  Language preparation begins in the Semester before the Study Abroad semester and participants must be active in undergraduate research projects related to the collaborations in place with the host universities. Interested students should contact Professor Arduengo at the earliest opportunity.


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