Better Chemistry for a Sustainable Future.

Preparing for Germany


I chose to study abroad because I believe that studying abroad is an invaluable opportunity. My research professor, Dr. Anthony Arduengo, offered to take me abroad during the Fall 2014 semester, for the Spring 2015 semester. I did not have any other decisions other than to commit to the trip and figure out the details later.

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 My Semester Abroad at Johannes Gutenberg Universtät


When I first heard about this study abroad program in the fall of 2015 sitting in my organic chemistry I class, I was intrigued. I had always wanted to study abroad and to expand my understandings of different cultures and countries around the world, but being a science major these programs were far and few in between when compared to the amount offered for business majors. This was going to be my opportunity! I went to a few meetings and managed to convince my roommate, Joseph, to attend a meeting as well and when we were both offered the opportunity to go I think we were both relieved that even though we were jumping into a study abroad program that started less than 3 months from accepting, at least we would have a familiar face while doing so.

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